Timings and Booking Information:
Training sessions are arranged in Blocks of 9 weeks. Each training session will focus on one of the technical components of the game (e.g. dribbling, passing, shooting). Please complete the registration form when booking. This can be found here.
​​​​Next Block:
Our next 9 week block starts on Saturday, September 7th and includes the following dates: Sept 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, October 5th, 12th, 19th, November 2nd and 9th. There is no session on October 26th due to half-term. New players are welcome to join at any time and are entitled to a FREE Try-out first session.
Twickenham Parakeets FC, Orleans Park School, Richmond Road, Twickenham. TW1 3BB. We are located on the grass, sports fields at the back of the school.
£90* per player for a block of 9 weeks. Please contact us for our bank details.
*Includes FREE Try-Out session